Chinese New Years Promotion (expired)

Our first promotion for 2013, this promotion is only valid for a set of exclusive and for those interested to our regular set of representative agent would give to us .. salam 1 malaysia
This PROMOTION IS OVER!!!!.. exclusive set is out of stock, 

thank you for your support

Insyaallah see you on next promotion!!!

for Tabita Skincare Regulars Set the deal still ON but no promotion price, tq

1 comment:

  1. hati hati, saat ini sangat banyak produk tabita skin care palsu. salah satu tanda tanda produk palsu dibawah botol toner terdapat tulisan TBT yang asli tulisannya LS. Nigthly Cream yang asli warnanya Pearl White sedangkan yang palsu Brigth White. Facial soap yang palsu lebih encer (aqueous) yang asli Kental (condensed). Smooth lotion yang asli lebih encer, yang palsu berwarna lebih hitam (pekat)
